Listing of business resources for loans and/or grants for Pennsylvania companies.
DoorDash/Hello Alice $10K Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund
be a restaurant located and registered in one of the 50 US states, DC or Puerto Rico
be experiencing a state- or federally-declared natural disaster.
operate a brick-and-mortar location
own a maximum of 3 locations, less than 50 employees per location, have revenues less than $3M per location in the last 12 months
been in operation for at least 6 months
Deadline: 9/3/2024
NBA/WNBA Fast Break for Small Business 10K Grant Program
based in the US and currently in operation for at least 3 months
must provide a business license, bank statements and tax return
must have made the equivalent of an annual revenue of less than 1M
Deadline: 9/13/2024
The Innovation Adoption Grant Program
designed for manufacturers based in Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Lawrence, Washington & Westmoreland
50% grant of the project cost up to $25,000 to develop a new process, product or technology
Helping Southwestern PA manufacturers reach the next stage of scale
Rolling deadline
Global Access Grant Program
Designed to enhance the capability of small to mid-sized PA companies to increase export sales
Provides up to $10,000 per award to reimburse up to 75% of expenses associated with export promotion activities
Administered by the PA OIBD funded in part by a grant from the SBA
Rolling Deadline
Submit Application to: Regional Export Network Partner (REN)
WEDnetPA Training Grant
Employees must be residents and employed in PA
Employees must earn at least $12, excluding benefits
Employees must be permanent, full time and eligible for full time benefits
Must be skill-building training for current job or for an advancement or promotion
Individual employee can qualify for up to $2000 in training up to $100,000 per company
Company participation is limited to 2 years in a row and 3 of the past 5 years.
Training must occur from July 1 to June 30 of the fiscal year of the funding award
Rolling deadline
Submit application to:
Foundations in Industry Training (FIT) Grant Program
Single employer or employer consortiums
Funding for plans not to exceed 3 years at $3,000 per apprentice per year
FIT Fact Sheet
Rolling Deadline
Submit Application to
Alternative & Clean Energy Program (ACE)
Business in Pennsylvania
Project must promote utilization, development and construction of alternative or clean energy projects.
Loans up to $40,000 / Grants up to $10,000
Additional Information & Application:
Energy Grants & Rebates
Contact PennTAP to provide assistance with application
Additional Information: